Contemporary fine artist based in Worcester UK
Maintaining art practice since 1987
This site shows the range and history of Guy Martyr's art. Much of the work is available for exhibition or sale; it is all available to be part of the conversation. Studio visits may be made by arrangement.
Untitled, carved tree trunk, 2003; cherry; approx 6 feet long
'Dots 1/02/1' 2002; oil/wax on canvas, over shaped stretcher; 19 x 24 inches
'TV Crucifixion' c.1997; oil on cloth; 20 x 24 inches
'TV Falklands War' 1997; oil on cloth; 19 x 24 inches - from a series of TV paintings
'Security Peace Love Administration' c.1998; wood, gesso, oil paint, wax, photograph; 14.5 x 18.5 inches - frame letters are incised and in-filled with gesso
'Individual Communal Conform' c.1990-1998; wood, cloth, wax, oil paint, pigment; photograph; 14.5 x 18.5 inches;- frame letters are incised and in-filled with wax/pigment
'Make Do Act Speak' c.1990-1992; wood, cloth, wax, oil paint, enamel, photo-copy; 14.5 x 18.5 inches - frame letters are incised and painted
'Transformations' and 'Undulations', a long series of works on paper, each 30 x 22 inches, 1990-1994: 'Transformations', gouache on paper
'Undulations', indian ink on paper
'Transformations' DM 94.1; 1994
'Undulations' PLW 94.1; 1994
'The Potato Eaters' 1992; installation, private house, Birmingham; casein, pigment, ceiling light
Each dot is applied individually, by judgement of hand and eye
'Dots' 1990; paper
'HOUSE' 1990; photographs, embedded in wax, of a house interior. Wax elements are wall-mounted to spell 'HOUSE'.
'Hole' 1990, York; diameter approx. 36 inches, depth approx. 4 inches. Study for a large hole.
'Is there a Morality of Material Manipulation?'
The 'Manifesto' series of photographs, 1993
'Is Art Useful?'
'It's a Gantry' 1989 group; 1988; Birmingham
Untitled, oval form i, 1988; ruled and freehand pen on drawing film - editioned as photo-copy on board; image - 15 x 3.5 inches
'Spatial Investigation' 1988; ruled pen on drawing film - editioned as photo-copy on board; image - 16 x 19 inches
'Shelf Piece No.3' 1988; melamine, aluminium, steel brackets; 26.5 x 78 x 6 inches
Performance: 'A Five Day Cleaning Event' 1988, Guy Martyr cleaning pedestrian underpasses, St. Chad's Circus Queensway, Birmingham
'A One Day Cleaning Event' 1987, Birmingham
'Something that I know and something that I don't know' 1987; exhibition installation in 'Art in Frankfurt 1987' Frankfurter Kunstverein
Untitled, circular painting with tree, nude, factory chimney, 1987; oil/wax on cloth; diameter approx 45 inches
Untitled with tree, nude, recycling bins, 1987; ink and water colour on paper; 21 x 30 inches
Untitled with aircraft, recycling bins, square, 1987; collage, ink on paper; 21 x 30 inches
Untitled, 1987; printing ink on ingres paper
'Road' 1984; oil on cloth; 28 x 36 inches
'Anti-Hero' 1983; performance, Birmingham
'Spaghetti Junction' 1983; oil on board; 18 x 22 inches
'Bricks and Leaves' 1983; oil on hessian; 27.5 x 27.5 inches
'Sword and Jug with Chopsticks' 1982; oil on board; 16 x 20 inches